The founding team of RNAnalytics brings together deep expertise in biotechnology, analytics, and business management.
This combination of scientific and business know-how forms the foundation for our success and enables us to efficiently tackle complex challenges in LNP characterization and RNA therapy.
Position Chief Executive Officer
Beschreibung Viktoria Enkmann works closely with leading researchers to ensure that RNAnalytics remains at the forefront of gene therapy and biopharmaceuticals. She leads the marketing of our products and services, develops effective marketing strategies and campaigns, and establishes RNAnalytics as an industry leader. Enkmann drives growth by identifying new business opportunities and building relationships with investors, partners, and customers. Through digital marketing, including social media and SEO, she increases visibility and raises awareness of our offerings. She also plays a key role in the strategic direction of RNAnalytics, setting goals, overcoming obstacles, and keeping the company on track for success in the dynamic biopharmaceutical and gene therapy sectors.
Position Chief Financial Officer
Beschreibung As CFO and COO, Hannes-Oliver Burgstaller is responsible for the finances of RNAnalytics and, together with Viktoria Enkmann (CEO), manages the company's operations. He prepares financial forecasts and budgets, leads investment rounds, and oversees the company’s finances. Burgstaller has extensive experience in the biotechnology industry and has successfully guided the company from concept to the development of a mature business model. He is responsible for managing business processes and workflows, overseeing development and the implementation of R&D projects, building and leading the lab team, and developing and implementing quality control systems.
Position Software Developer
Beschreibung Starting in January, Natalia Rajicic will be joining our team and dedicating herself to software development for our GeneVecto Analyzer. With her knowledge in programming and her background in computational chemistry, she will help further develop our platform for LNP characterization.
Position Software Developer
Beschreibung Starting in November, Mila Lettmayer will be joining our team and focusing on software development for our GeneVecto Analyzer. With her expertise in Python programming, data analysis, and bioinformatics, she will make a valuable contribution to the advancement of our platform.
RNAAnalytics Advanced Research GmbH
Sindelarstraße 1
3040 Neulengbach
Frauentorgasse 72-74
3430 Tulln
Telefon: +43 664 8643860
Vertreten durch:
Viktoria Enkmann
Eingetragen im Firmenbuch beim Handelsgericht St. Pölten
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 618774 m
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